MHJ (573) 785-3138 | HEARTLAND (636) 477-8700

Chances are that anyone who has watched t-v over the years is familiar with a short, animated military character selling car insurance.  Or you may see on-line ads to sell you home and auto coverage.  They are usually legitimate, but as an independent insurance agent I’d like you to consider a few things before you make a purchase.

Insurance is a complicated subject.  As independent agent’s it is our business to understand the complexities and break them down so you understand it as well.  While it may be true that you could contact the customer care representatives of these companies, you may not get the honest answers that would be in your best interest.

Auto, home, or business insurance comes with a lot of options, and the choices you need to make can sometimes be confusing.  When going direct to a company, if you need a custom plan you often have to rely on a call center representative. They may not be the most helpful person in your time of need. A local insurance agent is able to walk you through it all from start to finish.  Also keep in mind, local independent agents often have multiple companies, providing you more options to get just the right coverage.

In the event a crisis does arise, we are here to help you.  Whether it’s a car crash, a fire, flood or other weather-related damages occur. Having a local agent working on your behalf can be invaluable when it comes to navigating the claim process.

Those are just a few of the reasons to have a local agent on your side.  MHJ Insurance is a full-service agency.  We invite you to take advantage of all that we have to offer.  Because we’re to help protect you.